I finished my master’s degree in computer science at TH Rosenheim.
For a living, I work as a Software Engineer at QAware in Munich.
When talking to me, you might notice my inner IT security enthusiast.
I’m also concerned about privacy and data
Other skills involve operating Kubernetes Clusters or using Kali Linux for penetration testing.
I love giving talks about various topics regarding my profession. I’m discussing random thoughts about computer science, programming, security etc. in my blog.
On a completely unrelated note, I have a soft spot for photography.
AI chatbots are on the rise - and they are using my website and its content as training material.
Neither did I agree with them scraping my sites content nor will they involve me financially in their profits.
So, I decided to block them from accessing my website.
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The last week, our company organized their annual internal education conference where we reside at a conference hotel and learn from each other with talks, workshops, and so on.
For entertainment, I wanted to set up Pixelflut (English: Pixelflood), an application where participants can send single pixels via a network to a publicly viewable projector.
Here is how I bypassed some restrictions of the hotel network.
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As I migrated my blog to Hugo, I was looking for cool features I could spice up my blog with.
I ran into mermaid.js, which allows users to generate complex graphs with Markdown syntax.
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Software Engineering
I work with various things like Java EE and Payara Server. Because today everything runs in the cloud, I’m familiar with Docker and OpenShift / Kubernetes.
Experience in setting up, running and securing Linux servers, git, writing bash scripts and pentesting. Developed apps for Android in Java and web apps with PHP and node.js.
I love giving talks about various subjects. You may want to check out my talks about
“Evaluation of private APIs with Apache Ignite”
or “Ransomware vs. Antivirus” at the MRMCD conference in Darmstadt.